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We decided to simply do it – simply peace
Anchor 6

Peace Panel


The peace panel took place on the 80th birthday of the Dalai Lama, at Bet Harishonim Bitan Aharon. With 150 attendees a dialogue was introduced on nonviolence and universal responsibility, while increasing consciousness as a tool for building a culture of peace. The members of the panel were from various fields - Gil Alon – Zen master, Dr. Naama Oshri- Budhism teacher, Dalit Eliahu – Spiritual psychology master, Gabriel Meir halevy – Musician and peace activist. The panel ended with musician Gabriel Meir Halevy and Michal Israelstam
The panel was initiated and led by Liat Ishay – Peaceful Living Leader of Simply Peace.



Tour with the President of Tibet - Dr. Lobsang Sangye

Liat Ishay & Michal Israelstam, representatives of 'SIMPLY PEACE' NGO, were invited by Suzan Dayan, the head of YETIV - 'Tibet's Friends in Israel ' organization, to join the tour of the President of the Central Tibetan Government, Dr. Lobsang Sangye at Jericho and the Dead Sea area. 


The Dead Sea is the lowest place in the world and Tibet's Himalaya peak is the highest place in the world, in both places there is a common understanding that despite hostility and pain, we must move towards a solution of the water situation and the energy economy. 


EcoPeace representatives Gideon Bromberg and Oded Rahav presented possibilities for a 'win win situation' solution for solid economic base for shared prosperity. Dr. Lobsang Sangye expressed his support for this blessed solution of wide range activities towards reaching these goals.


Being part of this special gathering was a great honor. Solving the water problem will solve widespread economic and social problems in Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon and will help bring peace to the region.

At the end of this inspiring tour, Dr. Lobsang Sangye and all the participants signed a covenant of commitment to improve the situation and promote peace.  

תמונה נשיא טיבט
נשיא טיבט
Anchor 9

The Peace Vase Project


On June 18th, 2016, Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche's birthday, Susan Dayan initiated the planting of the last Peace Vase in Israel. The location was the Jordan River, at 'Kaser el Yahud', right on the border between Israel and Jordan, aiming to eco peace and healing vibrations to the whole area. Simply Peace joined this project and The Vase was planted by Nissim Cohen, Nimrod Ben Zion, Susan Dayan, Ruth Katz Klein, Liat Ishay, Dr.Heidi Harpaz, Michal Ronen ('Simply Peace').
A peace vase is a small tightly sealed container that is intentionally filled with all kinds of substances, (height: 14 cm, diameter : 10 cm, weight up to about 600 gms) and is blessed by those who have made them, with the sincere wish to benefit all beings and then they are buried around the globe, in major oceans, lakes and rivers, holy sites, places of war, strife and ecologically damage or degradation, with the hope that it will restore health to the planet, our earth, healing the land, turning war into peace.
The practice of creating a peace vase for this project has its roots in Tibet. Tibetans traditionally had treasure vases which were filled with special medicines, precious substances and prayers to protect important places against misfortune and to promote positive, healing energies.
The Peace Vase Project is the vision of His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, one of the greatest Buddhist teachers of the 20th century, to launch a global scale effort to restore peace, harmony and wellbeing to our planet, Earth.   In Bhutan, in 1991, 6,200 vases, containing finely ground precious stones mixed with sea water to form small balls, were made, blessed and consecrated over a period of two weeks, by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and a number of other highly regarded Buddhist teachers.   They were then sent to India, to be distributed worldwide:  to the seven continents; in all major oceans, seas and rivers; on 43 major islands and 61 major mountains; to significant locations such as the Great Wall of China, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the Taj Mahal, Jerusalem, Stonehenge, the Polar Caps; war torn countries including Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Tibet, Ireland, Israel, South Africa, Lebanon and other areas affected by disasters, diseases and famine.
His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche passed away shortly after the consecration of all the vases.  His successor, Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche who is also recognized as one of the greatest spiritual masters of our time, and founder of Siddhartha’s Intent, then took over the project and vowed to complete the task of burying all 6,200 vases.  He has described it as “the work of a life time”. To initiate the project, the first peace vase was planted at Bodh Gaya in India, the site of Buddha’s enlightenment.
The vase of the Jordan River was received at Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu during a three days Puja for Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche’s Paranirvana guided by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. The vase accompanied Susan during many Koras around the Boudhanath Stupa and other significant places until it was brought by a joyful group of seven Israelis, among them 'Simply Peace' representatives,  to the lowest place on earth – 400 meters below sea level – to Qasr al Yahud, a site on the banks of the Jordan River, that represents a sacred place for people of different faiths (Muslims, Jews, and Christians) and it is not far from Jericho and the Dead Sea, at the Israeli-Jordanian border.
The Heart Sutra and a short Bodhisattva aspiration prayer were recited and dedicated to the long and healthy life of the precious teachers, to the liberation of all sentient beings and peace on earth.
We were privileged & thankful to take part in this important act & synchronicity was strongly present. As science already proved, water is known to be the best carrier of knowledge, May all blessing reach their destiny.



Anchor 3

School of Movement Medicine

The collaboration with the school of ‘Movement Medicine’ combines a series of workshops that unites Israelis, Palestinians and volunteers from abroad to set a true existence of co-existence.

The School of MM offers the attendees the opportunity to move towards a deeper understanding of their relationships, and invites them to see closer into their true selves, and open their potential for transformation. 

The process that is experienced in these workshops allows healing of conflicts on many levels. The participants are led to experience openness to social and cultural values of peace and tolerance. The main purpose of this process, is to expose the possibility of changing our collective narrative, thereby promoting our personal transformation, which effect our collective transformation. The workshops take place in various places throughout the beautiful country of Israel.


YaAcov Darling Kahn, a great master & the founder and leader of the School Movement Medicine gave an intensive workshop.  Re-creation workshop focused on practical capacity of each and every one to take the circumstances of life and recreate our relationship to them. From a situation where a person feels a 'victim' of everyday events, to situation where he gets significant tools, with which he learns how to dance and move life with a new perception. The process introduces three core energies through them we learn to become our own healers while committing to the journey of healing the past, and creating our new reality.

In shamanic practice, the past is a storehouse of potential energy that we can unlock to support us to be here much more fully and engage in the most creative project of our lives – to fulfill our dreams here and now. Ya’Acov shared rich knowledge in a deep experiencing process over four days, many participants from Israel and abroad are coming with deep intention and pre-workshop missions to be part of Ya’Acov’s unique teaching and life changing experience.



Ben Yeger is a faculty member of 'The school of Movement Medicine' in England, and is also a group facilitator and drama therapist in the Israeli program as well. He studied with Yaakov and Susannah, the founders of the school, since 2000. The workshops combine drama therapy, storytelling, play, free dance and rituals. In addition, the workshops draw on world renowned Joanna Macy’s 'the Work that reconnects'.


Michal Israelstam & Liat Ishay of Simply Peace produce the Medicine Movement workshops in Israel, based on their belief that exposure to these workshops are essential and with great benefit in the process to promote both personal and collective transformation and growth in order to pave the way towards.



In this one-day workshop, you will be invited to take a step into the shoes of

The Dancing Fool, exploring ways back to your curiosity, humility, lightness and

Spaciousness. Remembering how it is to be connected and at peace with

Yourself and the world around you.


Ben is a Drama Therapist and highly experienced group facilitator. He is a Qualified Movement Medicine Facilitator and Teacher, and has been studying with Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan since 2000 and is a faculty member for the School Of Movement Medicine. Ben is the Director of Moving Conflicts, and the UK representative of Combatants for Peace, Ben works

Creatively in many settings to transform conflict, see his TED talk - Humanizing the Enemy (2013).


Movement Medicine weaves together the exhilaration of free dance with the depth of movement meditation and the spirit of shamanic practice. Participation in this

Workshop counts as faculty hours towards School of Movement Medicine prentice ship and training. 

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גלויה בית ג'אלא
Anchor 4

Anna Halprin in Israel 2015


Anna Halprin is an early pioneer in the expressive arts healing movement, revolutionary artist exploring the beauty of the body and its relationship to nature. Throughout her fascinating career Anna has led countless collaborative seminars committed to a belief in the connection between the healing power of movement & dance as tools to promote peace. She is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, has authored three books and has released various films about her work. At the age of 95, Anna continues to perform, travel, teach & inspire around the world.

Moa Oasis – Anna Halprin’s Workshop - more than 100 participants from all over the world – Japan, Turkey, Germany, Poland, France, Switzerland, Israel and more – shared an amazing 5 days together in the Arava in a gathering of practicing peace, and promoting social change. During this rare encounter, the participants were fortunate enough to experience the Halprin’s 'Planetary Dance' . Planetary Dance is a call for peace among people and our Planet Earth. Creating a vibrant, unified voice to help keep the world safe and healthy. People of all ages and abilities. join in this community ritual, declaring a commitment to a peaceful, healthy planet.

In October 2013, Liat Ishay & Michal Israelstam of Simply Peace met Anna Halprin in San Francisco where she declared a wish to come to Israel one last time to teach and share her love, knowledge and experience. Simply Peace was thrilled to take part in accompanying, managing and producing this meaningful and significant gathering with such an inspiring figure, a legend in her lifetime.

During her visit to Israel Anna led a women’s Peace Walk in Jerusalem. A walk along the Haas Promenade, on the seam between East and West Jerusalem, participated by women from around the country of diverse faiths – Muslims, Christians, Druze and Jews, both religious and secular. This was a human exercise that echoed peace and a true desire to create a better future and reality for our children, and our children’s children.

It was a great honor for us to take part in her messaging to inspire world peace.


Anchor 7

8,000 Paper Clips - Raffael Lomas


A project by Raffael Lomas, sculptor and TED fellow.
An artistic encounter with South Sudanese refugees deported from Israel living in Uganda.
Link YouTube Simply Peace supported this wonderful initiative Art of the Heart. As we believe that creativity are the nectar and the practical tool for transformation crossing borders, nations & colors.


Anchor 2
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Peace Academy


Pilot program which took place in 2016 whose goal was to learn, teach and experience the culture of peace in five faculties: inner peace of each individual, peace between man and his fellow brother, between deferent segments ,races and cultures in our society, between nations, between people environment and nature. The pilot program took place in An ecological village in the desert of Israel.
 The pilot program of 2016 included six annual meeting for three intensive days each, with leading lecturers from the academic world and foremost facilitators which came together for this necessary purpose. Liat Ishay (Simply peace) – supported this influential initiative. Liat, as content development, lecturers & students management, promoted this unique vision to become accessible for  28 students as ‘peace ambassadors’.
Liat,  together with Efrat Sar-Shalom- teacher and consultant, joint the initiative and vision of  Sefi Kiriaty in 2016, and helped to manifest the project from vision to reality. Liat known as a social entrepreneur  with the ability to make dreams come true created the social and cultural studying climate, interviewed suitable students & accompanied the whole development process  through the first year as a wide base for this project to be continued successfully.


Anchor 5



Art as a tool for social change, reconnection and belongings.
“White Dove”, is an environmental art installation by the Artist Ruth Katz Klein. Supported and encouraged by the architect Sefi Kiriaty, the owner and founder of Moa Oasis & the artist and entrepreneur Liat Ishay of Simply Peace.
The inspiration of the project was created based on the unique vision of Ruth Katz Klein; the artist and sculptress. She created the first presentation of the white dove, at the entrance of Yamit in Sinai just before a forced evacuation. This dove was left to be seen by pilots heading into conflicted areas as a message of peace as a message for peace. The installation in Moa was built in a continuous process, with the participation of visitors from all over the world as well as members from The Arava Spiritual Center. Photos of the event: White dove at Moa oasis Liat Ishay of Simply Peace has initiated and created this artistic collaboration between Ruth Katz Klein and Moa Oasis; the ecological village, a home for a culture of peace.



Soul Sisters Festival in Gan Meir in honor of International Women's Day


A small group of women dreamed a big dream called Soul Sisters. It’s initiative is to take action, empower women, create a supportive community, that will have a positive impact to women of all backgrounds in Israel, and the world at large. A positive inspiring event aimed to increase self awareness, self appreciation, and inspire action to create healthier habits for a happier life Michal Israelstam danced the goddess tribal dance to the poem ‘action of blossom’ by Liat Ishay Simply Peace as a part of a talented line up of volunteering artists and teachers who contributed to a meaningful event.


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soul sister

The March of Hope

Simply peace organized a group of committed women to Join and support The ‘March of hope’ which was initiated by 'Women Wage peace’ adressing leaders of both nations to promote an honorable agreement to secure the future of our children and grandchildren.
 The March started in Rosh Hanikra on October 4th 2016.
Solidarity events took place in Japan, San Francisco, New York, Machu Pichu Peru, Paris, Berlin , Sydney and more!
On the 19 of October, the last day of the march. 4,000 Israeli and Palestinian women dressed in white, walked side by side, hand in hand in towereds Qaser el yahud on the Jordan river at the Northern end of the Dead Sea in a significant event.
Nobel Peace Prize,  Leymah Gbowee, who came especialy to Israel to support the march, shared her inspiring personal story and her world changing experience. In this special atmosphere we sat and sang together wishing to bring back hope to the people, uniting our hearts in a joint prayer for sisterhood and friendship.



צעדת השלום 3
צעדת השלום 1
צעדת השלום 4
Anchor 10

פרויקט "عربي غربي ערבי-מערבי" | 'Arab-Western-Project'


Halal Jibarin and Ohad Hadad together created the book, which presents a conversation between an Arab and a Jew in Jerusalem in 2015.


 on the journey, we talk about everything. About ourselves, about where we live, about the future, about the past, about our present. It is our voice and that of our generation in this country that we both love so much. There is no left - no right. There are two friends together.

four photographers - Nimrod Weislayev, Naama Noah, Omer Kahlon and Tomer Zmora - joined them together with the camera.


The project was crowned as an outstanding final project in the Department of Visual Communication, Bezalel. It has been exhibited in exhibitions and magazines in Israel and abroad.


Simply peace supported this project financially as we find it a living creative way of co-existing

פרויקט "عربي غربي ערבי-מערבי" | 'Ara
פרויקט "عربي غربي ערבי-מערבי" | 'Ara
Anchor 11

FESTIVAL BIAS SICILY - One Humanity Prayer

 Michal Israelstam, a Simply Peace member, was invited as a guest artist to take part in the 3 religions art festival 'WISH' in Palermo Sicily to present  One humanity prayer - an interactive performance which integrates dance, rituals, prayers, languages & cultures enabling us to see the beauty, the power and the uniqueness of each and every one.'  The presentation combined English, Arabic & Hebrew texts, giving the inspiration for the next generation's opening of the heart and better future.


Michal Israelstam is a body movement artist. Michal dedicates most of her time and talent to humanitarian music & dance projects in Israel & abroad. Michal establishes & creates a fresh new experience to all senses including authentic music, traditional texts & ancient wisdom. Michal teaches and performs in Israel and abroad, leading international gatherings of rhythm combined with elements from the world of self-awareness & art. 

One humanity prayer

UBUNTO - African philosophy ofUbunto - ‘A person is a person because of other people’


Simply Peace hosted Hazel Carey (South Africa / England) for an evening workshop in Tel Aviv, October 2018 where she introduced the concept of UBUNTU which was also practiced by movement gestures by the participants. 


'Ubunto' helps to set oneself free in order to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. UBUNTU, is an ancient African code of ethics that embraces a sense of belonging, responsibility for the well-being of others, promoting co-operation and trust between individuals, cultures and nations. 


South African born Hazel Carey works internationally as a creative arts facilitator and transpersonal growth trainer, facilitate the integration of mind, body and spirit. She has co-founded the New Africa Theatre in Cape Town, and a Theatre in London.  She has worked as a core member of the WYSE (World Youth Service & Enterprise) team, an international Leadership programme, and facilitates holistic activity programmes in Greece, Spain and America.

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Anchor 12

Panel: Art as leverage to coexistence


Location: Kibbutz Ga'aton 

Moderated by: Amit Oz

Panel participants:

Michal Abulafia - chavat shalom ma nishma

Michal Israelstam- Simply Peace NGO

Ilanit Tadmor and Raba Morkus – “shtey safot tnuaa ahat”

Gsharim Project - Jewish and Arab youth dancing.


Panel Topics:

  • Leveraging Art and Music to resonate peace and respectful communication.

  • Experience and discover art as a tool to develop and awaken connection between individuals, communities and nature around us. 

  • Encouragement to develop and enrich a culture of peace at both a personal, and community level.


Simply Peace - Israel   |   |   T +972 522590109

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